V8 Reengineered Front Spoiler Moulding

Due to the difficulties we have experienced ourselves in firstly obtaining the correct front valance/spoiler for a V8, and secondly in achieving an acceptable fit, we have carried out an exercise to remanufacture this part making some adjustments to improve the fit. The first product of this exercise is our own version of Aston Martin Lagonda Part Number; 88-22474, ASR Part Number; P78-9595. This part has the "pods" for the front side lightd/indicators moulded in and is the type that means you do not need to have a "cut away" front bumper.
There have been many variations of the V8 Front spoiler over the years, with the original featuring the indicator lights set back and requiring the bumper to have two sections cut out to accomodate these lights. Over time the indicator lights have gradually made their way forward and on the most recent version of the spoiler the bumper does not require modification.
We are seeing an increase in people restoring their cars to reflect as close to the original version of their car (particularly the V8's at the moment) which may require changing the front spoiler, if that's you, please don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss your requirements.